Not at all bad. The idea that
the wifi could be eating our brains doesn’t initially look good, given the
older generation internet hate vibe that it gives off. But, once the reveal
comes in at the end, it makes enough sense.
The real strength of this
episode comes from the proper introduction of the new companion. As Martha
Jones was a welcome relief from the soppiness that Rose Tyler had started
bringing to the Tennant years, Clara Oswald is a welcome relief from the outright
annoyingness that (while not dominating Amy Pond’s character) had got out of
I particularly like how
Clara’s confidence comes across without her having to get into a fight or
argument and how she clearly likes the Doctor without worshipping him. These
have been massive problems in previous series helmed by Moffat and Davis
The villain is a returning
one, from the Christmas episode, which is welcome and anyone who’s seen the
curse of fatal death may be thinking the same thing about what he actually is
as I am.
Another strength of this
episode is how it really keeps the mystery of who Clara Oswald is alive; at no
point do we lose sight of the question and at no point does Moffat attempt to
misdirect us from it. Though, knowing Moffat, this probably means that the
question isn't overly important and he’s just using it to distract us from the
actual issue.
The villainous robot things are
very close in nature to the Teselecta, with the directional choice of having
their voices and delivery very wooden. This makes them very easy to identify,
but the choice to make the Doctor version more lifelike is one I can get
behind, as it makes a nice contrast between him and the primary antagonists.
To be honest, there’s not that much to say; the villain follows on directly from the previous episode which is bit rare, but works all the same, the new companion is very refreshing and the new series looks very exciting