Monday, 1 August 2011

New Doctor Who Trailer thoughts.

So there’s been a new Doctor Who trailer out for a while now and I’ve been having some extreme geek outs about it.

It opens with some loud music, some running and Hitler. The last one of those is a big risk, as the only line of dialogue he seems to have is “thank you, I think you just saved my life.”

Of all the historical figures to pick as a possible sympathetic guest character, Adolf Hitler is probably securely in the NO category. But who knows, maybe they’ll manage to pull it off.

At about 27 seconds in, we see River wearing an eye patch, like the one that evil lady wore. Does this mean that River and evil lady are the same person? I personally don’t think so, it’s far more likely that the eye patch could just be a symbol of authority on whatever planet the little baby River was taken to. It could alternatively mean that River’s built up some sort of maternal relationship with one-eyed lady (but as there’s another character at about 34 seconds in who wears the same eye-patch as well it’s more than likely some sort of symbol.  

29 second – both the Silence and the Weeping Angels are back  - not necessary a good move, as they’re both better as minimal villains  - and I’m getting kind of worried that the Angels might become the new Daleks; reappearing whenever they need a ‘scary’ episode, up until they lose all of what made them threatening.  

We get couple seconds of monster doing monster stuff (growling, teleporting, breaking shit etc…)
At 36 seconds, we get Rory punching who assume is Hitler, which is almost worthy of Quintin Tarantino and at 37 seconds we get Amy with some swords.

Oh and something’s happening to time  - but then again that happens every series.

The trailer ends with some assurance that the impossible astronaut threat is going to be resolved, before the already approved 7th series.

I’m reasonably excited about this…not as eager as I was to see the return of Doctor Who after the fifth series, but still… 

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