Sunday, 12 May 2013

Doctor Who: Nightmare in Silver.

Slow started but not at all bad.

This was a good episode, which managed to breathe life back into a villain that (like the Daleks) had been rather destroyed by the Tenth Doctor era. Ever since the series 2 finale, I haven’t been able to take them seriously. Watching them clunk around at the slowest possible speed just got to be a bit comical in the end.

These new Cybermen (THAT IN NO WAY RESEMBLE MARVEL’S IRON MAN) make sense. Why would a race that want to destroy or convert all other life in the universe, be content to move around everywhere at two and half miles an hour. It’s refreshing to have them visibly overcoming such design flaws.

The other aspect of this episode is of course, seeing how the Doctor handles an evil version of himself. Matt Smith does a good job with what he’s given, but the cybercontorller is so similar to the Doctor, that the audience can find it difficult to figure out which one’s talking.

But the scenes with the Doctor facing off against this version of himself are very good and seem to pick up the Valyard theme that’s been subtly running through this series.

Ok, some bad things. Kids  - no, just no, I did not look this programme up on iplayer to watch a stroppy girl shout at Jenna-Louise Colman. Keep it in the soap operas. Further to that, it seems a bit at the convenience of the plot for this character to be all “she’s not our mother” just in time to get both of them kidnapped. This aspect of the relationship was not set up in any way prior to this episode, so it’s just a bit contrived.

Warwick Davis being the Emperor is  a bit obvious, which means the conclusion of the episode becomes quite predictable, but this can be forgiven,  as well…he’s Warwick Davis!!

Nothing left to say. It started slowly, but was very watchable. No more stroppy kids please and I look forward to The Name of The Doctor.

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