Monday, 27 May 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness - SPOILER WARNING!!!

The more I think about this movie the worse it seems to me. Sure it’s fun enough to watch and the action scenes and special effects are all top notch. But the more thought you put into it, the more you realise that JJ Abrams has no idea what he’s dealing with and through that shows no understanding and more importantly no respect to the original films.

In order to talk about this, I’m gonna have to spoil the major twists of the film, so don't read this if you haven’t seen it. Ok, no bitching about spoilers, I’ve warned you.

So John Harrison is actually Khan. This is the first point at which Abrams pisses all over the fan base. Everyone thought this was going to be Khan and rather than using that as a hook he chose to lie about it, then reveal it almost immediately after the character appears on screen.

Thing is, this isn’t Khan. This man is the Joker, or Loki or Mr Silver. A man with an elaborate plan which involves wanting get caught in order to use his opponents as a way of getting what he wants.

This kind of villain stood up in other films, like the Dark Knight and the Avengers, because the central protagonists had a lot of development to do themselves. The central cast of Into Darkness don’t develop at all.

Closer to home, while Benedict Cumberbatch is doing the best with what he’s given, he only seems to have been hired for the job his voice can score 6.5 Ian McKellens on the awesomeness scale.

Wrath of Khan, showed us a villain who was ten times as intelligent as his adversaries, but massively flawed in regards of his ego. In that respect, this film also repeats the end of Wrath of Khan, word for word, with two of the characters swapped. Mr Abrams, that is not paying homage, that’s just ripping off a far better film.

Wrath of Khan was an inter-textual story about, ego, aging, sacrifice and overall appreciating what you have. Into Darkness doesn’t even compare on this, with a thin story about some crazy admiral in Starfleet and the most important villain of the whole franchise being used as a name-drop.

In conclusion, while I got along just fine with the film while watching it, having thought about it now, I can only see it as an insulting use of a villain, whom the writer/director has no understanding of.

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