Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Doctor Who Series 6 Episode 2 Review

Well…that was pretty good…erm, don’t really know what else to say about that.

Nice beginning to the episode, opening 3 months after the first one, so we, as the audience are allowed a nice comfort period before we have to deal with that whole Amy-just-shot-a-child-non-watershed-friendly thing.

Oh, and d’you know what else I picked up on; the Doctor is only really interested in Amy when she’s got something weird going on. In series five he picked her up because his scanner told him that there was something weird about her bedroom wall, now it’s telling him there’s something weird about her womb, so he’s all up for taking her off around the universe, when one episode ago he was telling her to bugger off and make some babies.
But I suppose that’s a nice thing about a Moffat produced series; there’s a purpose behind everything that the characters do.

Oh, I really liked that the whole Moon landing was just a way for the Silence to get hold of a space suit; it’s a really good use of an historical event. In the Davies years, the whole story would have been about the moon landing and the whole budget would have been spent on green-screen effects of the all the characters on the Moon and some twist whereby it was actually the Doctor who planted the flag on the Moon, shortly before celebrating and adding NASA to the list of organisations that worship him.
Another good point about this episode is the all-to-brief use of the Silence as an unseen enemy. They do seem to be far more effective a villain, when viewed in this retrospective way.

One thing I can note about the episode though, is that won’t please the fast pace lovers. After the ambiguous opening, it does drag its feet a bit, but ends up balancing the ending excitement quite well.
Plus, the twist about the little girl at the end is especially good and the way that the Doctor seemed to use River, Amy and Rory as a militaristic unit at the beginning looks like something that could become a good series theme.

I really can’t think of anything else to say…erm the cinematography’s good  - oh, I saw on someone’s Facebook status the other day(can’t remember who and “other day” can mean any given time in the last two years) that said they prefer to view film and television in the micro, which is to say that they look at features based only on their technical aspects (cinematography, lighting etc.). Don’t want to tell people how to watch things, but just wanted to say that that’s a really stupid way to look at a film or television program. I mean seriously, if you’re going to evaluate a film based exclusively on the micro elements, I could make you a film of me sitting in my room and occasionally scratching my balls and you’d have to give at least two stars provided I illuminated my room sufficiently and set the camera shot up right.
But, getting back to this whole Doctor Who thing, I really have nothing more to say. It’s a really good episode; nice ending, good way to defeat the bad guys…apparently there’s mermaids next episode  - oh, for those who don’t know it, at the end of next week’s episode we’ll be half way through this section of Series 6…which is pretty weird. 

Well, if you haven’t watched this episode, do it already and um, hopefully next week’s episode will have something in it that I can 
whine about.

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