Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Doctor Who’s that little girl?

Since I have slightly more revision and work to be getting on with this week, I thought it’d be fun to speculate on who the little girl in the present series of Doctor Who is, because that’s the sort of thing that helps a law student get their head around mortgages.
Anyhow, let’s take a look at the first and no doubt most popular theory.

The Girl is Amy and the Doctor’s Daughter.
There is some evidence or this; the pictures in the girl’s room, the fact that Amy’s womb is acting funny and to expand on something related to this theory; in episode 2, the Doctor and Rory have a conversation about whether or not Rory remembered the 2000 years he spent waiting around for Amy and the Doctor. He says that he can SOMETIMES. Was this just a filler conversation or is this an indication that a version of reality where Rory never came back (and Amy and the Doctor were left to actually indulge all their sexual tension) still exists?

That would explain why Amy’s pregnancy seems to be in flux, given that it would be a collision of completely different outcomes of series 5 and therefore would be both happening and not happening at the same time.

However, this could equally mean that the child growing inside her is Rory’s, given that Rory’s ability to impregnate her (people who don’t exist can’t procreate) depends on which reality ends up being solidified. Therefore Rory could also knock up and not knock up Amy at the same time.
It is also consistent with Moffat’s writing style for the whole issue of the weird pregnancy to be misdirection from the actual issue. Remember series 5 where the issue consistently pushed on the audience throughout was the Pandorica,  when the actual issue was the silence and the exploding TARDIS.

The issue of Amy’s pregnancy may be a consequence of the main issue of this series, but it is not necessarily a defining part of it.

Theory two: the girl is The Rani or Romana
Not a lot of evidence for either of these to be honest, it’s just be pretty cool is she was one of there Time Ladies.

The possibility of Romana comes simply from what the little girl said before she regenerated in episode two. She described the act of regeneration as “easy”. Back in the old Tom Baker days, when he travelled with Romana, she was shown to be so good at regenerating that she could choose her new appearance or even revert to an old one if she wanted to.

The possibility of the Rani holds even less evidence; it’s almost all speculation. In order to end the Time War, the Doctor sealed the whole thing, including every Time a Lord and Lady in a Time Lock. This, in as yet unexplained ways, pulled in every Time Lord accept the Doctor, as he was the one who had done it, and the Master, as he was disguised as a human at the time. So how could the Rani escape the Time Lock? Well, she simply wouldn’t. She would simply invent a race that could go unnoticed (the silence) – after all her experiments were well known for being really weird and unethical, but b above all about messing with races to make them serve her in slave like ways.

So while the Time Lock would affect one Rani, the Silence could ensure that a new one was born into the Universe. She would need an incubator that was compatible with Time Lord DNA and physiology (AKA a human female). And who better to serve as that incubator than someone under the protection of the last remaining Timelord in the universe? She would be safe within a TARDIS and if the Doctor realised that it was the Rani growing inside Amy, he would likely care far too much about Amy to risk her. Thus the Rani’s rebirth would be assured, through the Doctor not being willing to stop it, for fear of hurting Amy.

Admittedly, this kind of storyline is a bit to complicated, not to mention dark, even for Moffat, so I don’t think it’ll happen, but it would be pretty cool if the Rani came back.
Theory Three: the girl is the Doctor.

It was recently confirmed in “The Doctor’s Wife” that Timelords can become Timeladies. This would be a really weird turn of events, but hey, maybe the world’s ready for a female Doctor. There was point made in series 4 that River Song (who I think we can now be sure is boning the Doctor) is from the 51st Century and is therefore bisexual, so she’d be fine with this at least.

This theory would be similar to the Rani theory, only it’d be the Doctor using Amy as an incubator (which would be just as weird) and the Silence would no doubt be some force seeking to control the young Doctor rather than serve her.

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