It’s always nice when a filler episode is followed by something of absolute quality. This was a really good episode, well put together, with more than enough darkness to remedy its immediate predecessor.
Spoiler Alert: this episode is about the TARDIS (the Doctor’s Wife) so anyone expecting to see any other Time Lords is gonna be disappointed. But this is more than enough. To spoil a major part of the plot, this episode involves the consciousness of the TARDIS being transferred into a person and being able to communicate with the Doctor.
This episode could have gone very wrong, given that the extent of the TARDIS’s sentience has always been a pretty big question. This is the episode that confirms that the TARDIS actually cares about the Doctor. In the course of the series, this has only ever really been hinted at in such episodes as The Satan Pit and arguably The Parting of the Ways from the 2005 series. Another nice little reveal we get is that the TARDIS admits to taking the Doctor where he needs to go, rather than where he wants to go. This finally gives some form of sense to the fact that he seems to always end up in precisely the right time and place to save the Universe every Saturday.
Something that was kinda irritating was the TARDIS’s belief that she stole the Doctor rather than the other way around. I didn’t dislike this aspect, but I think it would have been slightly more interesting to see a slightly more hostile reaction from the TARDIS, towards the person who stole her.
That said Suranne Jones puts in a really good performance and the chemistry between her and Matt Smith is quite good.
Amy Pond remains quite annoying for the first half of the episode, but actually balances out by the end of it.
There isn’t really much left to say, the old control room puts in an appearance which kills all hope of seeing David Tennant in this series (which is a good thing – bringing back old Doctors goes horribly wrong and is arguably insulting to the actor playing the present one, especially when it’s done just to boost viewig figures) and the Doctor has an experience with some old TARDIS parts, so there enough nostalgia in this episode to keep fans of the Tennant years and the classic series happy. To add to that the continuity is strict and well researched and clearly reasserts a clear bond between the classic years and the revived years. Strangely enough this is most evident in a scene that ended up being cut, in which the Doctor figures out that all the items in the junk yard, even that washing machine that Amy was looking at the beginning of the episode, are pieces of destroyed TARDISes, with active chameleon circuits disguising them.
No appearance from one-eyed lady this week, but I’m sure she’ll be back next week to continue that Amy s crazy/pregnant/whatever.
Anyhow, really good episode, everyone should watch it.
Oh and “the only water in the forest is the river”…that sounds like some sort of song doesn’t it…
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